Saturday, 4 September 2010

Smile SMS Page 2

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SMILE izda languge of l0vE

smile izda secret to SuCCeSS

mile iz daway to win HearTz

smile improvs ur pErs�Nality

so plz just alwayz BRUSH pRoPeRly.

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


*A SMiLe Costs Less Den Electricity,

but Gives More Light..

So, AlwayZ SMiLe & Prove Dat U R da Best ... Bulb in da world:-)

Ab Ziada Hans k Fuse Na ho Jana

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


A lovely quote after losing great friends;

"I miss ur smile a lot..,

But I miss my own smile more...!!!"

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


Roses are famous for grace,

Advocates are famous for case,

Horses are famous for race,


You are famous for the smile on you face.

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


A smile can open a heart faster than a key can open a door...

Smile are free so don't save them..Brighten the world with ur smile..

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


U seem to be much careless nowdays...

alwayz leaving your things here andthere,

c what hav u done now u just came in my mind and left a smile on my face. :-)

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


Shakespeare said:

"If you are not using your smile,

then you are a person with million dollars in the bank having no cheque book."

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


Living in the Favourable And Unfavourable Situation is called PART OF LiFE

But Smiling in all those Situations is called ART OF LiFE...!

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


Be honest and send this to anyone who made you smile sumwhere sumtime in ur lyf.

It may surprise u but checkout how many come back.Thanks alot 4 making me smile:-)

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


Heart can skip beat for a while,

Memories can be kept in a file,

But nothing can stop a Smile,

When your NAME comes on my Mobile.

color="#6a98a5">Submitted By Muneer


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